Hi! I am Lilith Tang!

Always loved both sides of the coin, I had been exploring my way through rationality and creativity. I love the orderly structures in science but also am fascinated by the chaotic lines and shapes in art. Hence, graduated from Washington University in St Louis with a Bachelor degree in Cognitive Neuroscience, I enjoys researching and analyzing real-life problems with data and information. Pursuing a Master of Fine Art in Visual Communication Design provides me experience of brainstorming to offer creative yet effective solutions. Throughout my experiences and academics, I have developed as an creative yet strategic thinker who loves to explore outside the box and faces unknown challenges but still remain rational in regard of the result and process of projects.

Leading multiple student organizations throughout my academic years, I value collaboration, teamwork, and leadership the most. My strengths of being a good observer, listener, and communicator help me placing members in suitable positions and managing the team with minimal conflict. Being an extraverted person, I am good at constructing good relationships with teammates, which assisted to create a comfortable working atmosphere for everyone.

Interned at different industries, biology, marketing, and design, allowed me to see similar problems in different perspectives and able to provide solutions that is tailored to the industries' needs. The internships also taught me to communicate effectively and efficiently with people from other departments in the companies.